Lead Preview

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40 Best-practices
Instructional Strategies
Procedures: Prior to reading a selection, share just the first paragraph with the class. From the title and this “Lead Preview,” students write questions and predictions to set a purpose for reading.

Examples: Selections that begin with a question, anecdotal story, thought-provoking quote, or a surprising fact make excellent texts for a “Lead Preview.”

Variations: Collect leads from several reading selections. Invite students to examine the leads for similarities and differences. Have students work in small groups to classify the leads based on how they are alike. Categories for classification could include: Question, Anecdote, Quote, Surprising Facts, and Descriptions. After students have charted the different kinds of leads used by authors, encourage them to analyze the findings. “Which leads were most effective?” “What makes an effective lead?” “Which leads were hard to classify and why?” “What did you learn as a reader by examining leads?” “What did you learn as a writer by examining leads?”

Reading Strategies: Identify Main Ideas and Support Details, Summarize Information, Paraphrase Ideas, Synthesize Information, Make Generalizations, Make Connections, Build Vocabulary, Draw Conclusions, Activate Prior Knowledge