Letter from Estela Romero: Transition from Winter to Spring


Published: 03/09/2022

Dear friends,

The transition from winter to spring at the Monarch Biosphere Reserve in Central Mexico used to be gradual and moderate. Today changes in temperatures have been more dramatic and extreme. It is not unusual to go from cold temperatures of a few centigrades to fairly warm temperatures of 15-20 centigrades.

For a few years now, during the rainy season, humidity levels are drastically declining and our days are becoming increasingly dry with much evaporation. 

For the past week, under a burning sun, the monarchs have started an almost imperceptible and gradual migration north.

Any moment now the Methuselah generation shall massively relocate inside the fir forests looking for fresh refuge as temperatures increase. They soon will surprise us with their massive departure by the end of this month. 

We shall keep closely observing.

Estela Romero

Angangueo, Michoacán, México.


Note to our readers: This article has been edited from the original English version for clarity.

Read the Spanish version of Estela Romero's letter»