Monarch Adult (FIRST sighted)
Sightings report image

Date: 05/15/2024

Number: 1

I was standing at the kitchen sink around 17:00 when I saw the familiar orange flitting about my wild edge. Grabbed my phone so that I could get photographic evidence. I greeted her by saying, “Hello Darlene.” Every female Monarch that comes my way will now be Darlene. My first instinct had been to text my old friend. I can’t do that anymore.
She deposited some eggs on various Common Milkweed plants (see separate report.) She headed west around my neighbour’s barn. Beautiful sunshiny day. Around 22C. Wind NNE at around 21 km/h. Pressure steady at 100.9 kilopascals. Humidity 56%.
Earliest ever first sighting in my yard.

Lakeshore, ON

Latitude: 42.2 Longitude: -82.9

Observed by: Laura
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