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challenge Question #4
Ann Min (amin@mc.net)
Sun, 29 Mar 1998 13:48:21 +0000
Leaf Out-Challenge Question #4
First you make a altimeter using a protractor, straw, string, and nut.
To make this, you tape the straw to the flat part of the protractor.
Then you tie the nut to one end of the string and tie the other end to
the middle of the flat part of the protractor. Once you sis this, go to
your tree and mark a spot anywhere on the ground. Stand in the spot
and look through the straw on your protractor at the top of the tree.
Note the degree that the string is on when looking through the straw.
Then move five meters away from your first spot. Again note the degree
that the string is on when looking through the straw at the top of the
tree. Next, on a graph paper, using one square = 1 meter draw a
straight line 5 squares long. From the left end of the line, measure
out the angle from your 2nd reading. Then move five squares over and
measure out the angle of your 1st reading. Extend the rays of the 2
angle until they cross. The lines should make an X. The point where
they cross is how tall the tree is just count the number of squares up
from the based line to the intersection and that is the height of the
tree in meters.