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challenge question #3
Phyllis Richards (chcphyl@li.net)
Fri, 01 May 1998 03:41:04 -0500
We are 6th graders at Covert Avenue Elementary School in Elmont, NY.
We worked on the Mystery Clues in the computer lab with Mrs. Richards.
It was a great experience. Thank you for the chance to do this.
Mrs. Richards, Lenny Vicari, Allie Cappellino, Nicky Benedetto, Patricio
Taucan, Caroline Seyster, Jacqueline Oft, and Carmine Verderosa.
Here are our answers:
City Country Latitude Longitude
1. La Plata Argentina 34:52S 57:55W
2. Ruse Bulgaria 43:50N 25:57E
3. Ross Island Antarctica 77:30S 168E
4. Hartland Canada 46:18N 67:32W
5. Gisborne New Zealand 38:40S 178:01E
6. Frankfurt Germany 50:07N 8:41E
7. Aberdeen HongKong 4:57N 11:50W
8. Harare Zimbabwe 17:50S 31:03E
9. Singapore Singapore 1:17N 103:51E
10. Helsinki Finland 60:10N 24:58E