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Challenge Question #3
Gayle Kloewer (gkloewer@esu6.esu6.k12.ne.us)
Fri, 1 May 1998 14:59:32 -0500 (CDT)
Dear Journey North,
We are Mr. Robb's 8th grade science class and we want to
send in our guesses for the mystery class even though he didn't
register us. We guessed the most right last year as 7th graders
and we want another chance this year! Besides, the 7th graders
are driving us nuts, saying they will get more right than we will.
Mystery Class #1: Buenos Aires, Argentina 34.36 S 58.27 W
Mystery Class #2: Lom, Bulgaria 43.49 N 23.14 E
Mystery Class #3: Scott Base, Antarctica 77.51 S 166.46 E
Mystery Class #4: St. John, New Brunswick 45.16 N 66.03 W
Mystery Class #5: Auckland, New Zealand 117.45 E 36.52 S
Mystery Class #6: Ramstein, Germany 49.2 N 7.5 E
Mystery Class #7: Hong Kong, China 22.3 N 114.1 E
Mystery Class #8: Harare, Zambabwe 17.5 S 31.1 E
Mystery Class #9: Singapore, Singapore 1.17 W 103.51 E
Mystery Class #10: Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway 15.38 E 78.13 N
Naveed, Mitchell, and others
P.S. We had to use Mrs. Kloewer's e-mail addresss because Mr. Robb didn't
think his was still active.
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Gayle Kloewer gkloewer@esu6.esu6.k12.ne.us
York Middle School
1200 East Ave.
York, NE 68467
402-362-6655, ext. 274
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