Jim Gilbert
Today's News
Journey North
 Report Your Sightings
Teacher's Manual
 Search Journey Northreturn to:
Milot Serge (rmgsm@nbnet.nb.ca)
Sun, 10 May 1998 14:48:01 -0300
For the last two years, we took part in the tulips project and the mystery
class. We enjoyed participating in these projects but we have a few
questions for you and we hope you can answer them.
First of all, we would like to know what is Journey North? Is it a book
company or an organization? Is it a Science program, if so put out by who?
Where is Journey North organization located?
For the mystery class, we would like to know haw many entrants took part?
How many countries are participating in Mystery Class other than those who
are a mystery place? Are there only Canadian and American students
participating in this contest?
For the mystery class, the students really enjoyed participating and
couldn't wait for Monday when they would be working on their graphs. They
learned a lot of things and had fun doing it. However, we find that the
last clue you gave us about New Brunswick, Canada misleading. You said and
I quote " Our city has the largest population of the province but is not the
capital city." We feel that St John should have been the answer since
Quispamsis is not even a city and surely not our largest one. Could you
explain your rationale behind this answer?
Looking forward to hearing from you with answers to these questions.
Rachel McGraw (rmgsm@nbed.nb.ca)