Jim Gilbert

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Challenge Question #5
Lavonne Probst (lprobst@cusd1.jasper.k12.il.us)
Tue, 24 Feb 1998 14:47:38 -0600
These are all the ways my second grade class saw that wood was being
used by looking at the pictures in the photo archive last week.
1. fences
2. flower stand by the house
3. ax handle on top of the load of wood in the horses back
4. firewood
5. ladders
6. stovebox
7. wood being burnt for heat
8. table
9. chairs
10. the home itself
11. horse barn
12. at the sawmill
13. wood in the stove for heat to cook food
14. rolling board on bottom of blue barrel in front of home
15. selling wood in town to make money
16. tortillas were being made on top of the stove which was heated by
These are the answers we came up with.
Mrs. Probst Second Grade Class
Montrose, Illinois