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Challenge Question #6

Jay Phillips (jsphilli@access.k12.wv.us)
Fri, 06 Mar 1998 14:09:29 -0800

Dear Journey North,

We thought of some answers to Challenge Question #6.

Maybe monarchs know to leave Mexico because:
1) the weather changes;
2) it gets a little warmer; and
3) they fly north to find milkweed plants for laying eggs.

We also learned and talked about how monarchs have instincts to tell
them when to go.

Consequences for going too early:
1) it is too cold and they will die from freezing; and
2) flowers are not blooming for nectar.

Consequences for going too late:
1) it gets too hot- they could have fires;
2) flowers could die and they would have no nectar; and
3) it would be dry and hot and not have water.


Mr. Phillips's Third Grade at Kanawha School in Davisville, West