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Hello from the Explorer Team at Pennridge South Middle School in
Perkasie, Pennsylvania! My 6th period science class has been
trying to find mystery sites #9 and #10. Dr. Darlene S. Jones
Mystery #9
We decided that the mystery site for our group was San Ignacio,
Belize. We used most of the clues to discover the site. To
find the country we used the cultural clues, such as the foods
and the music to find Belize. To find the town, we used the
longitude and latitude to find it. We also used the clue about
the bridge for our research. It is found at 17.10 North and
89.04 West.
Mystery #10
We decided that the site for our group was Kigoma, Tanzania. We
used helpful clues to help us find our mystery place, One of
the clues that was really helpful is Great Lakes border our
country not the ones in the United States and Canada. another
clue that was helpful was where cichlids, a small fish, lived in
this country. One last clue that was most helpful was the most
western point of our country is the town. We found the town to
be at 4.52 South
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