Next message: by way of Mary Hosier/Journey North: "Challenge Question #12"
What kinds of adaptations do you see that make an eagle's head right for
this bird of prey?
The eagle's eyes are large and they have good eyesight. They can see far
away. This would let them see small animals from far away. They can hunt
without having the small animals spot the eagle right away.
The beak is curved which would make it easier to grab the animal. It is a
sharp beak which would let them dig into the animal to eat it.
It looks as if the tongue is not long enough to go outside of the beak. This
would make it hard for the eagle to bite his tongue. When he is tearing the
meat on other animals, he won't hurt himself.
Ruby, Lindsay, Jake, Ryan and Kris
Grade 1/2
Ferrisburgh Central School
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