Whooping Crane Whooping Crane
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Note: These Challenge Questions coincide with the Spring 2006 Reports

Challenge Question #1

From: by way of Journey North <susamel@brounstein.com>
Date: Mon Mar 06 2006 - 08:59:49 EST

We conclude that the picture shows the Western flock because of the similar
habitat shown in the picture above. İThis habitat looks like the wetlands on the
Gulf Coast of Texas. İThe İpicture on the far İleft shows two youngsters and an
adult and tells us it is the Western Flock,while the middle picture has only young
Whooping Cranes and comes from the Eastern flock. İThe challenge
question picture consists only of adults which we believe are the more mature
western cranes. İThe water in this picture is clear and blue unlike the dirty water
of the Florida, Eastern flock. İ

Iselin Middle School/7th grade

Received on Mon Mar 6 09:00:02 2006

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