Whooping Crane Whooping Crane
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Note: These Challenge Questions coincide with the Spring 2006 Reports

Crane Challenge Question #2

From: by way of Jane Duden Journey North <dfirmani@earthlink.net>
Date: Sat Mar 11 2006 - 10:59:12 EST

Journey North,

Jumblies (#527) and Poe (#528) both followed Sandhills to Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge in Tennessee and don't know about Chassahowitzka NWR in Florida, so they spent the winter at Hiwassee where the Sandhills wintered. Jumblies got a little lost at one point, and had to be driven 28 miles east and released with Sandhills, but found the rest of the way to Hiwassee. Poe did not need a lift along the way, but she got very tired.

Marcus F.
Received on Sat Mar 11 10:59:23 2006

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