Whooping Crane Whooping Crane
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Note: These Challenge Questions coincide with the Spring 2006 Reports

Whooper Challenge Question #4

From: by way of Journey North <dfirmani@earthlink.net>
Date: Fri Mar 24 2006 - 16:40:51 EST

Dear Journey North,

From what I've read, it seems that the three female Direct Autumn Release (DAR) birds, Jumblies (#527), Poe (#528), and Maya (#533), got the PTTs. If I were the scientist, I would have chosen to give the PTTs to the DAR birds, because they cannot be observed from an ultralight on their migration--they will, instead, be following Sandhills. I would not necessarily have given them all to the female birds, though. Perhaps, the male, Waldo (#532), was a better flyer or was stronger than the three females, so he seemed more likely to make the journey without trouble. If this is the case, then, I would have given all the PTTs to the females, too.

It's too bad there is not money for more PTTs, because any of the Whoopers being led by the ultralight who seemed slower or weaker in any way might also benefit from having the extra means of locating them, in case they fall behind during the upcoming trip.

Marcus F.(Sixth Grade)
Received on Fri Mar 24 16:41:03 2006

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