Whooping Crane Whooping Crane
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Note: These Challenge Questions coincide with the Spring 2006 Reports

Challenge Question #7

From: by way of Journey North <susamel.biz@brounstein.com>
Date: Thu Apr 13 2006 - 09:13:21 EDT

The first time South for the new Eastern flock was extremely difficult. They had never traveled south before. They had no landmarks to follow and had to be led. Since they are now familiar with the landmarks and obstacles, it should be easier for them to find their way North. The landmarks will guide them and they will have a better understanding of their route. The cranes are also, stronger now. Also, the winds pushing the cranes North in the spring are milder then the winds during their journey South which makes flying easier.

Iselin Middle School/grade 7

Pranav, Amrit, Mansimrat, Tripti
Jocelyn, Abhi, Vanessa, Jason, Ana-
Received on Thu Apr 13 09:13:41 2006

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