Whooping Crane Whooping Crane
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Note: These Challenge Questions coincide with the Spring 2006 Reports

Challenge Question #11

From: by way of Journey North <susamel.biz@brounstein.com>
Date: Wed May 03 2006 - 11:37:43 EDT

We think all Western Whooping Cranes, including subadults, make a risky migration north to Canada every summer for food and to take care of and protect their young. When they run out of Blue Crabs in Florida, they migrate to Canada to find more. They may also head north to escpe from the heat nearer to the equator.

Iselin Middle School/Grade 7

Zobia, Shirin, Monika, Hana, Rebecca

Brittany, Nick, James, Alia, Kathryn added:

We think all the Western Whooping Cranes, including subadults, make the risky migration north to Canada every summer because it is much colder up north and they do not like the warmweather in the southern part of the U.S..
Received on Wed May 3 11:37:52 2006

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