Whooping Crane Whooping Crane
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Note: These Challenge Questions coincide with the Spring 2006 Reports

Whooping Crane Challenge Question #11

From: by way of Journey North <dfirmani@earthlink.net>
Date: Mon May 08 2006 - 11:17:25 EDT

Dear Journey North,

I think that the Whooping Cranes all migrate every year, even before they are ready to nest, for several reasons. One reason may be that they want to get to know the migration route better when they don't have to get to the nesting grounds by a certain time. Another reason may be that they need to strengthen their wings to be good at migration. (If they need to stop several times to rest on the first few migrations, that's okay, because they are not in a hurry.) Also, maybe they need to observe the process of bonding with a mate, making a nest, incubating the eggs, and raising young safely in order to learn some things that may not be known already by instinct. Finally, it may be helpful to them to get accustomed to the area they will nest in before they are actually needing to raise young there--learning good places to find food and safety and getting their bearings.

Marcus F., Sixth Grade, home schooled, Mount Airy, Maryland
Received on Mon May 8 11:17:33 2006

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