>" Which of our satellite tracked eagles have begun their migrations? List
>them and note whether male or female. Which birds left the earliest? From
>this information can you determine whether males or females leave first?"
>Birds that have begun migration
>V98 - Female
>P04 - Male
>U21 - Female
>U25 - Female
>U27 - Female
>It looks as if Y96 (Female) and Y94 (Female) have also just started to
>The adult birds left the earliest, which was mostly female. We don't think
>that from this information, we can tell if males or females leave first,
>what we do see is that the immature birds are not migrating as quickly as
>the mature ones.
>When we look at the immature ones that are not really moving - we have P88
>(Male), P89 (Female), P90 (Male) and P91 (Male) - this makes us think that
>the females might leave before the males, but we can't be sure.
>Tucker, Ruby, and Phoebe
>Grade 4
>Ferrisburgh Central School
>Ferrisburgh, VT 05456
Received on Mon Apr 10 17:01:44 2006