Monarchs Arrive in Angangueo, Michoacán!

November 7, 2019 by Team Journey North

Roosts along Gulf Coast. Monarchs in Michoacan in time for Day of the Dead celebrations.

Sharing the joy of monarchs from Lexington, Virginia to Angangueo, Michoacán

Roosts Still Observed Along Gulf Coast

From Bay City, TX: Kathi "Noted migrating monarchs on November 1. Captured roost image on November 2nd. (11/02/2019)

From Mobile, AL: Barry reported seeing about 30 monarchs. (11/01/2019)

Awaiting Official Confirmation 

As of this morning, Rocío Treviño, Coordinadora, Programa Correo Real, PROFAUNA A.C. reported that "Monarchs continue to pass, from the northeast to the sanctuaries, in the center of the country thousands report. I still do not have the official report of the arrival of the monarchs to the sanctuaries by the director of the reserve."

Other observers in Mexico as well as Journey North reporter, Estela Romero, note monarchs pouring into the state of Michoacan, Mexico. 

From Macheros, MEX: Ellen submitted this report: "From 1:08–1:24 pm on October 31, 2019 we spotted at least 54 determined little specks pumping their way across the sky. Meanwhile up on the Carditos side of Cerro Pelón, the Butterflies & Their People guardians sighted many more. Starting at 12:16 pm, Leonel and Francisco counted an average of eight per minute for the next ten minutes. Ever since that day, the skies have been filled with monarchs flying overhead until the afternoon rains arrive. We have yet to hear any news of colony formation on Cerro Pelon." (10/31/2019) Link to report

From Tierra Blanca, GAU: Edgar Pedro Méndez Vázquez reported: "...Cientos de mariposas monarca están arribando a Tierra Blanca., la tarde está parcialmente nublada con una temperatura 25°C. At 18:30 horas, Las mariposas empiezan a formar sus perchas para pasar la noche (foto: David Gómez). At 17:00 horas, Monarcas reportadas en la Comunidad El Apartadero, Tierra Blanca, Gto. Dentro del ANP Pinal de Zamorano alimentándose en el jardín de polinizadores instalado el año pasado. At 20:00 horas Reporte de perchas de más de 1000 mariposas en el Jardín Principal de Tierra Blanca, Gto." Courtesy of Correo Real (10/30/2019)

[Translation: Hundreds of monarch butterflies are arriving in Tierra Blanca., The afternoon is partly cloudy with a temperature of 25 ° C. 6:30 p.m. The butterflies begin to form their hangers for the night (photo: David Gómez) 5:00 p.m. Monarchs reported in the El Apartadero Community, Tierra Blanca, Gto. Inside the Pinal de Zamorano ANP feeding in the pollinator garden installed last year. 20:00 hours Report of hangers of more than 1000 butterflies in the Main Garden of Tierra Blanca, Gto. Edgar Pedro Méndez Vázquez]

From Rioverde, SLP: Gustavo Martínez Hernández reported, "Bastante frío hoy, algunos de los percheos de casi 2000 mil mariposas formados principalmente en encinos, pinos y sobre el heno o paixtle (Tillandsia usneoides)."  Courtesy of Correo Real (10/31/2019) Link to report

[Translation: Pretty cold today, some of the perches of almost 2000 thousand butterflies formed mainly in oaks, pines and on the hay or paixtle (Tillandsia usneoides). Gustavo Martínez Hernández]

Western Population of Monarchs 

Gail Morris notes that the first monarch counts in California are less than a month away. Read more in her article below. 

Monarchs Arrive For Day of Dead Celebrations 

Read more about the meaning of this festival in Estela Romero's article below. 

Keep Reporting to Journey North

Due to the continued reports from Mexico, Journey North will publish one last post at the end of November. 

Western Monarch Population News & Letter from Estela Romero