The Symbolic Migration Join the Celebration! You're invited to send an ambassador monarch to Mexico. Join the international community of friends united by the monarch butterfly! The monarch butterfly is a famous international traveler. . Monarchs fly from Canada and the United States to spend the winter in Mexico. They travel across three countries and migrate as far as 2,500 miles (4,000 kilometers)! . Monarchs have a special winter home in Mexico. Only twelve mountain-top forests have the habitat they need to survive the winter. . The butterflies arrive in Mexico in November. Children look forward to the monarch's return every fall. . Clusters of monarchs hang in trees in Mexico for the winter. The forest shelters them. . Spring migration from Mexico begins in March. The monarchs become international travelers once again. . Every fall, thousands of children in the United States and Canada send symbolic monarchs to Mexico. . The ambassador butterflies carry messages of friendship and gratitude. . The symbolic butterflies build bridges of communication and friendship. They symbolize international cooperation for monarch conservation. . Companion Resources Text Driving Question How can you use your symbolic monarch to begin a friendship with children who live near the monarch's winter home in Mexico?