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May Momentum

May 4, 2023 by Team Journey North

May is here and hummingbird migration is now widespread throughout North America. Please report your observations to Journey North as we gear up to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day on Saturday, May 13.

May is here and hummingbird migration is now widespread throughout North America. Please report your observations to Journey North as we gear up to celebrate World Migratory Bird Day on Saturday, May 13.

Peak Migration Happening

April 27, 2023 by Team Journey North

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

From the Midwest to the Northeast, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have made significant progress north since last week’s update. Warmer weather is projected in the coming weeks promising the last big surge of migrating Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.

The Atlantic Flyway has been very active with one observation of a Ruby-throated Hummingbird in Nova Scotia. Many observers in southern regions of Canada are still waiting for their first observations. Will these first sightings happen soon? 

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