Dia de Los Muertos
Sights of the celebration in Angangueo, located near the Sierra Chincua and El Rosario Sanctuaries.
What Do Monarch Larvae Do?
Crawling along a paper-thin leaf. Eating while hanging upside down. Monarch caterpillars defy gravity. What do monarchs do during the larval stage of the life cycle?
Surprise at the Sanctuary
The El Rosario population has doubled now!
Thousands Remain
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Dear Friends:
I am just arriving from Rosario and you cannot believe! The monarchs are now all concentrated at the main spot in Llano Cruzado and it looks just as if they had just arrived! Around 12 trees are full in their mid to low branches. See the top two photos below. This is March 28 and it is unbelievable. People at the Sanctuaries say: 'This is like a miracle! It is indeed a blessing!'"