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Arrivals Within the Biosphere Reserve!

November 4, 2021 by Team Journey North

Exciting news! Estela Romero and Ellen Sharp share news of monarchs arriving within the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Mexico. Out West, Gail Morris highlights more good news from California. And Journey North volunteers play a big role in the fifth annual International Monarch Monitoring Blitz.

Exciting news! Estela Romero and Ellen Sharp share news of monarchs arriving within the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Mexico. Out West, Gail Morris highlights more good news from California. And Journey North volunteers play a big role in the fifth annual International Monarch Monitoring Blitz.


We are happy to share the results from the fifth annual International Monarch Monitoring Blitz. From July 23 to August 1, 2021, our Journey North community helped the Monarch Blitz reach record levels of participation. 

Journey North volunteers accounted for over half of all volunteers and observations. Thank you for your participation and continuing to help secure a healthier, more sustainable future for monarchs. We are grateful to be part of such a dedicated community.

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