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Monarch Butterfly Migration
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Dear friends,

After cloudy and rainy weeks, the sky turned deep blue, bringing us intense sunshine and cool nights. The moisture that our forests stored during our short and insufficient rainy season will soon evaporate but hopefully not too soon.

With only hours of delay, our Monarchs heroically arrive this November 4-5 to their final destination in the coniferous forests of the "Sierra Chincua" and "El Rosario" in central Mexico!


Queridos amigos:

Después de semanas nubladas y con lluvia, el cielo se torna profundamente azul, lo que nos traerá intenso sol y noches frías, con lo que la humedad que nuestros bosques almacenaron durante nuestra corta y poco suficiente época de lluvias, evaporará de prisa.

¡Con tan sólo horas de retraso, nuestras Monarcas llegan heroicas este noviembre 4-5 a su destino final en los bosques de coníferas de la “Sierra Chincua” y de “El Rosario” en el centro de México!


Dear Friends,

We're so happy to inform you that finally the monarchs were seen in Cerro Pelon by the Butterflies and Their People Guardians and the CEPANAF rangers (Comisión Estatal de Parques Naturales y de la Fauna).

Today, at 12:52 pm on November 3rd, just one day after Day of the Dead, Pato Moreno sent us a message saying they spotted the first monarch, and one hour later they've counted so far around 27 [monarchs]. 

Special Update: Celebrating the Arrival of Monarch to MBBR

November 6, 2023 by Nancy Sheehan, Program Coordinator

A little late but the monarchs have arrived.

A little late but the monarchs have arrived.
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