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Monarch Butterfly Migration
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published: 10/10/2023

Western Monarchs Update

First monarchs are arriving at the northernmost California overwintering sites! Late sightings are also appearing in the Northwest states, an unusual but exciting encounter for monarchs lagging in their journey. Monarchs are appearing across all the western states as they race to their finish for their winter haven.

Leading Edge Nearing México

October 11, 2023 by Team Journey North

Exciting news continues as monarch migration ramps up. The leading edge of migratory monarchs along the central flyway are nearing México, and numbers were high along the eastern flyway. Out west, monarchs are being reported in all the western states.

Exciting news continues as monarch migration ramps up. The leading edge of migratory monarchs along the central flyway are nearing México, and numbers were high along the eastern flyway. Out west, monarchs are being reported in all the western states.
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