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Monarch Butterfly Migration
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Published: 05/10/2023

Migrating Monarchs

The leading edge of monarch migration from the Midwest to the Mid-Atlantic still is hovering around latitude 40-42°N, though a few early observations have been recorded around 44-45°N. Along the East Coast, monarchs are making slow progress northward, with a few reports coming in as far north as Massachusetts:

Isobelle in Millis, MA: "Seen at Cedariver reserve" (05/06/2023)

Moving Northward

May 10, 2023 by Team Journey North

Migration is moving at a brisk pace. Monarchs have now been reported as far north as New Brunswick, Canada. Activity will only increase over the coming weeks. Report your monarch observations to Journey North.

Migration is moving at a brisk pace. Monarchs have now been reported as far north as New Brunswick, Canada. Activity will only increase over the coming weeks. Report your monarch observations to Journey North.
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