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Monarch Butterfly Migration
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Western Monarchs Update

Last week the California coast was once again pummeled by another atmospheric river with battering sheets of rain and high winds. Rivers overflowed their banks, floods surged throughout the region and trees fell. Yet, despite the storm's intensity, when sunny clear days appeared, monarchs were on the move in an extraordinary fashion. Read about their mass dispersal, a rare event in California.

Monarch Population Estimates Released

March 20, 2023 by Nancy Sheehan, Program Coordinator

WWF-led annual monarch population survey report released. Monarch population estimates indicate a 22% decline since last year. Now more than ever, your reports are needed to better understand monarch migration, milkweed presence across the landscape, and monarch breeding activities.

WWF-led annual monarch population survey report released. Monarch population estimates indicate a 22% decline since last year. Now more than ever, your reports are needed to better understand monarch migration, milkweed presence across the landscape, and monarch breeding activities.

Gradual Northward Progress

March 14, 2023 by Team Journey North

Our Journey North observers are seeing their first monarchs and evidence of breeding mainly along the Gulf coast. Only a few observational reports have been submitted west of the Rockies. Where are monarchs now?

Our Journey North observers are seeing their first monarchs and evidence of breeding mainly along the Gulf coast. Only a few observational reports have been submitted west of the Rockies. Where are monarchs now?
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