Monarch Butterfly

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From: by way of Elizabeth Howard Journey North (
Date: Mon May 05 2003 - 12:41:12 EDT

  • Next message: by way of Elizabeth Howard Journey North: "Butterflies landed in NE from KS"

    Dear Friends,
    Our class received Symbolic Butterflies that were cared for this winter
    in Angruilueo, Michearan and de Mexico, Mexico.
    Here are the schools where the butterflies came from:
    Swinney Elementary School in Kansas City, Missouri
    Lindergh Elementary in Little Falls, Minn
    Victor Primary School in Victor, NY
    Etowah Elementary School in Eyowah, NC
    Ben Milam Elementary in McAllen, TX

    They arrived Saturday, May 3 at Dist. #53, 22 miles north of Atkinson, NE.
    Dist. #53 in Atkinson, NE

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