Monarch Butterfly

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From: Garrison, Teri (LWI) (
Date: Tue May 06 2003 - 13:11:32 EDT

  • Next message: by way of Journey North: "Butterflies landed in Adams, NY from AL, AR, PA, GA, MN, MO, WV, CT, NH, NJ, IA, OH, TORONTO, KS"

    Greetings from Lynnwood, Washington. We are just north of Seattle, where the
    last few days have been sunny and warm and perfect for butterflies flying in
    from Mexico! They are in good shape after Asear Juan Carlos in Michocan
    took good care of them! Our goal is to send them back to their schools of
    origins this week--be on the lookout for their next safe landing at these
    different schools:

    Park Elementary, OH
    Clyde Brown School, MA
    Allgrove, CT
    Friendship School (cool name!), NY
    Cabo, ME
    Island Public, Toronto, Canada
    Krause Elementary, TX
    PS 172, NY, NY
    Allen Academy, TX
    Ashley River Creative Arts, SC
    Louis P. Rockwell, MD
    Red Mill, NY
    Sts. Peters and Paul, Ottawa, OH
    Bristol Primary, MO

    We'd love to learn where our butterflies have landed, too! Please continue
    the cycle of friendship!
    Team 15 students
    Lynnwood Intermediate
    Lynnwood, Washington

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