Monarch Butterfly

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From: by way of Elizabeth Howard Journey North (
Date: Thu May 08 2003 - 10:41:24 EDT

  • Next message: Gayle Kloewer: "Butterflies landed in York, Nebraska from VA, CA, NY, MN, NJ, AR, IL, TX, KS, VT, MI, Mexico & Canada"

    Dear Journey North Friends,
             Our class received Symbolic Butterflies that were cared for this
    winter by a Mexican student named Mariana Dyaia Drriaga of Angangueo,
    Michoacan, Mexico. Our butterflies spent the winter in Mexico with fellow
    symbolic butterflies from the following places:

    Coventry Elementary School in Yorktown, VA
    Forestdale School in Malden, MA
    Dahlgren School in Dahlgren, VA
    Dighton Middle School in Dighton, MA
    Carnage Middle School in Raleigh, NC
    Lenoir, TN
    Collegiate School in Richmond, VA
    Saltillo Coah, MEX
    Manlius Pebble Hill School in DeWitt, NY
    York Middle School in York, NE
    Lee Hall Elementary School in Newport, News, VA

    Please send us e-mail if you received one of our symbolic butterflies at


    Mrs. Provost's Third Grade Class at
    West Patent Elementary School
    Bedford Hills, NY

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