Monarch Butterfly

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From: by way of Elizabeth Howard Journey North (
Date: Fri May 09 2003 - 16:53:10 EDT

  • Next message: by way of Elizabeth Howard Journey North: "Butterflies landed at Mt. Pleasant Elem in NJ from OR,ON,CO,MD,OH,WI,OK,FL,MA,NJ,GA,IN"

    Our class received Symbolic Butterflies that were cared for this winter
    by a Mexican students. They spent the winter in Mexico clustered with
    butterflies from 14 different states and providences.

    Here are the schools where the butterflies we received came from:

    Lewisburg Elementary School, Lewisburg, West Virginia
    Advent Parish Day School, Tallahassee, Florida
    Lakeshore School, Mooresville, North Carolina
    Calvin Coolidge School, Shrewsbury, Mass.
    Sylvania Franciscan Academy, Sylvania, Ohio
    Ridgeview Elementry, Bloomington, MN
    Jefferson Davis Middle School, West Palm Beach, Florida
    School on Hickory Creek Road, Lenoir City, TN


    Great Meadows Middle School
    Warren County
    New Jersey

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