Monarch Butterfly

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From: Bob McDonald (
Date: Sun May 11 2003 - 20:44:24 EDT

  • Next message: by way of Elizabeth Howard Journey North: "Butterflies received at Burnet Hill Elementary School in NJ from MN,ON,MA,GA,CA,AL,IN,VA,NC,MI,MT,VT,IA"

    Our class received Symbolic Butterflies that were cared for this winter by a
    Mexican student named Fidelia Martinez Vidl Hilda Garfias Garcia of
    Angangueo, Michoacan. They spent the winter in Mexico clustered with
    butterflies from six different states.

    Here are the schools where the butterflies we received came from:

    Alisa , Paradise HS, Paradise, CA
    Lauren, Paradise HS, Paradise , CA
    Jamie, Paradise HS, Paradise, CA
    Tiffany, Paradise HS, Paradise, CA
    Kevin, Paradise HS, Paradise, CA
    Melanie, Paradise HS, Paradise, CA
    Lauren, Sawgrass Springs Middle School, Coral Springs, FL
    Haley, Washington Township Kindergarten, Kalona, IA
    Marguelle, Lake Providence JHS, Lake Providence LA
    Shelia, Lake Providence JHS, Lake Providence, LA
    Ashley, Lake Providence JHS, Lake Providence, LA
    Beverly, Lake Providence JHS, Lake Providence, LA
    Alex, Daisy Brook Elementary, Fremont, MI
    Misha, Angell School, Ann Arbor, MI
    Nina, Great Meadows Middle School, Great Meadows, NJ
    Melissa, Great Meadows Middle School, Great Meadows, NJ
    Sean, Great Meadows Middle School, Great Meadows, NJ
    Lauren, Great Meadows Middle School, Great Meadows, NJ
    Rocky, Great Meadows Middle School, Great Meadows, NJ
    Alison, Great Meadows Middle School, Great Meadows, NJ

    Please send us an e-mail so we can give you Fidelia's mailing address. We
    know you'll want to thank her!


    McGillis School
    Salt Lake City, Utah

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