Monarch Butterfly

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From: Mrs. Broskin (
Date: Wed May 14 2003 - 15:37:52 EDT

  • Next message: by way of Elizabeth Howard Journey North: "butterflies landed in PA from GA,MD,MI,OK,NY,OH,TX,FL,MN"

    Dear Friends,

    Our class received Symbolic Butterflies with an orange tag that gave the
    name of the tourist at the El Rosario Monarch Sanctuary. We were really
    excited to see the Monarchs return to our state.

    Here are the schools where the butterflies we received came from:

    Chester School in Wooster, OH
    South Jefferson Central School in Adams, NY
    Mrs. Biegner’s Class in Hollywood, FL
    Halley Elementary School in Fairfax Station, VA
    Robinson Elementary School in Starksboro, VT
    Hawks Rise Elementary in Tallahassee, FL
    Rice Creek Elementary in Columbia, SC
    Abington Friend’s School in Jenkintown, PA

    We will be sending letters to the students whose butterflies we received
    from Mexico. If you have any questions, you can e-mail us at

    Rayne, Canoe Grant, Creekside Washingtion Elementary Schools in Marion
    Center, PA

    Kathleen Broskin
    Gifted/Writing Support Teacher
    Marion Center Area School District
    SPWP Co-Director
    724/397-5553, ext.325,

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