Monarch Butterfly

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From: by way of Elizabeth Howard Journey North (
Date: Tue May 20 2003 - 09:51:38 EDT

  • Next message: Lynn Wynn: "tagged butterflies from CA, CT, DE, GA, PA, OH"

    Dear Friends,

    Our class recived Butterflies that were cared for this winter by a Mexican
    student named Jesus Santos Treto Gonzalez . We think that this is the name
    of his school: Isaac Arriagaturno Verspertino. They spent the winter in
    Mexico clustered with butterflies from:

    Robinson Middle School Kingsport, TN
    Sweeney Elementary School Willimantic, CT
    Sutton Elementary School Houston, TX
    Lakeside Intermediate School Hot Springs, AR
    Ward L. Myers Elementary School Muncy, PA


    Mrs. Barber's 2nd grade class
    Robinson Elementary School
    Gastonia, NC

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