Monarch Butterfly

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From: by way of Elizabeth Howard Journey North (
Date: Thu May 29 2003 - 15:36:25 EDT

  • Next message: JAMES, MEG: "NJ, WV, TX,VA, AZ,IL, MI,PA, FL, MA, GA,MD,NJ,OH,TN,SC,"

    Dear Friends,
        Our class received Symbolic Butterflies for the
    summer from the following schools:

    Here are the schools where the butterflies we received
    came from:
    Flor Silvester #35 Casa 22 Col San, Pedro Martr Dol.
    Tlaslasan, Mexico D.F., Mexico 14050
    Esc. Sec. Tec. No., 81 Colonial Nva Imagen Saltillo,
    Coah., Mex. C.P. 25095
    Coahotemoc #13 Mexico 10600
    Paseodelosfious #113 Cdificioa Departmento 4, Colonia
    Civac Cvernavaca Morelos Cvernavaca, Mex.
    Greysville Elementary 944 Graysville Road Ringglod,GA
    Dahlgren School Code Ts NSWC Dahglren,VA 22448
    Dighton Elementary School 1250 Somerset Ave.
    Dighton,MA USA 02715
    Burnley Moran Elementary School, Boo Long Street
    Charlottesville,VA 22901
    Kerhonkson Elementary School P.O.Box 9 Accord,NY 12404
    Compton Elementary School 5th grade 3450 New Macland
    Road;poweler Sprigs,GA 30127.
    Susan Baxter Univ, of Hartford Magnet School 196
    Bloomfield Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06106.
    Carrillo Elementary 2875 Poinsettia Lane, Carisbad,CA
    Fern Bluff Elementary, 17815 Park Valley Dr. Round
    Rock, Texas 78681 usa.
    Compton Elementory School,3rd Grade, 3450 New Macland
    Road Powder, Springs,GA 30127
    German Medina Jouney North/Mexico Avenida Moreios#80
    Angangueo,Michoacan 61411 Mexico.

    Ravenswood Grade School, Rt. 2, Box 22A, Ravenswood,
    West Virginia USA

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