Monarch Butterfly

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From: by way of Elizabeth Howard Journey North (
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 09:48:41 EDT

  • Next message: by way of Elizabeth Howard Journey North: "butterflies arrived from NJ, PA, CA, KS, VT, WI and Mexico"

    Dear Friends,

    Our third grade class was so excited to receive Symbolic Butterflies this
    spring! They were cared for over the winter by Alejandra Tellez Hernandez
    from Issac Ariaca Turno Matutino. Our butterflies came from 11 different
    sites. Here are the schools we received butterflies from!

    UGL School in Hewitt, NJ
    Medford Memorial School in Medford, NJ
    Abington Friends School in Jenkintown, PA
    ESC Sec Tec N in Saltillo Coah, Mexico CP
    Urbita Elementary School in San Bernardino, CA
    Hillsdale Elementary in Hillsdale, KS
    Cottonwood Elementary School in Paola, KS
    Castleton Elementary School in Castleton, VT
    Sewell School in Sewell, NJ
    Caleb Bucher Elementary School in Lancaster, PA
    Fair Park Elementary School in West Bend, WI

    We hope you can find your school among the list!


    Mrs. Delgado's Third Grade Class
    Angell School in Ann Arbor, MI

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