Monarch Butterfly

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From: by way of Mary Hosier/Journey North (
Date: Mon May 03 2004 - 13:34:42 EDT

  • Next message: Deborah J. Coon: "Butterflies landed in CA from TX, IN, PA, CT, NC, SC, WI, OR, OH, NE, NJ, CA, Coahillo, Mexico and Michoacan, Mexico"

    These butterflies have landed in Mrs. Gribosky's class, Lake Weir Middle School, Summerfield, Florida;

           Alton Gaston, Belmont Hills Elementary, Smyrna GA
           Lucas Goodfellow, Harmony Public School, Corbyville, ON, Canada
           Diana Guadalupe, Garcia Valdes, Saltillo, Coah. Mexico
           Alberto, Eliseo Loera Salazar, Saltillo, Coah, Mexico
           Ruben Uriel Torres Martinez, Colonia NVA, Imagen, Saltillo, Coah Mexico

    Thank you for taking part in the Symbolic Monarch Migration. Your butterflies will be well taken care of.

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