Monarch Butterfly

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From: Hope D'Avino-Jenning (
Date: Tue May 04 2004 - 09:41:05 EDT

  • Next message: Jennifer L. Cushing: "Butterflies landed at Bessie Rowell School in NH from NC, IN, TX, TN, FL, OH, TX, MA, KY, VA, MD, CT, PA, CA, WY"

    Hello Friends!

    Our class of 3 and 4 year olds at the Bergen Community College Child Development Center in Paramus N.J. sent out 15 Monarchs and received

    5 Symbolic Butterflies that spent the winter under the watchful care of a Mexican student named Mayra Yosemiri Garcia.

    These 5 butterflies originated from

     (3) Greenfield Middle School, Greenfield IN

    (1) Swift River Elementary Library, Belchertown, MA

    (1) Blessed Trinity School in Richfield MN

    We received 6 butterflies that originated from the migration pathway in Northern Mexico!

    And 2 butterflies that were tagged by tourists at the El Rosario sanctuary!

    These two butterflies came from

    Medford School, Medford MN

    Catskill Elementary School, Catskill NY


    We look forward to hearing from you!

    Miss Hope's Class

    Bergen Community College

    Child Development Center

    Paramus NJ



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