Monarch Butterfly

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From: Maria Haberer (
Date: Wed May 05 2004 - 12:22:05 EDT

  • Next message: Mary MAnnix: "Butterflies at West Hill School,PA from OH,VA,MI,MO,ND,IL,Canada,NJ,IA,CA,NC,WI"

    Dear Monarch Friends,

    Our class was delighted to receive our packet of symbolic butterflies that were cared for by Jaime Martin Bernal Soto, Maura Castillo Carransa, and Justo Siera from Anganueo; C. Augusto Castillo Venegas from Conado, Ocampo; Natalia Rivers from La Contera, Municipio de Ocampa; and Ana Cecilia Cruz Moreno from Rosario, San Luis Ocampo all in Michoacan, Mexico.

    The butterflies originated in:
    Mrs. McLaren and Miss Prince's, Lincoln Elementary, Canton, IL
    Ms. Cooks, Harry Lee Cole, Boxford, MA
    Ms. Pulisi, Harry Lee Cole School, Boxford, MA
    1 M/F, Craneville School, Dalton, MA
    Rm 208, Stapleton School, Framingham, MA
    ? class & student, Morris School, Lenox, MA
    Prof Ruben Gomez, Sec. Tec. No. 81, Salito Coah, Mexico
    3 from Ms. Moening, Dort Elem. School,Roseville, MI
    3rd grade, Casseville Intermediate, Cassville, MO
    Glenwood Elementary School, Chapel Hill, NC
    Miss Durante's Third Grade, Riverton Pub. School, Riverton, NJ
    Mrs. McInerney, East Hills School, Roslyn, NY
    Sylvania Francisco, Sylvania, OH
    2 from Westside Elementary, Hood River, OR
    5th grade, Captain Isaac Paine School, Foster, RI

    We have composed letters to the students that made these fantastic butterflies and will type them up tomorrow. My second graders needed to type a friendly letter to meet their technology goal and this is the perfect exercise. Thank you to all of the students who made this project possible and so very enjoyable!

    Maria Haberer, 2Ha
    Stewart Elementary School
    Washington, IA 52353

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