Monarch Butterfly

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From: by way of Mary Hosier/Journey North (
Date: Thu May 06 2004 - 13:35:03 EDT

  • Next message: mary: "FW: Butterflies land in Chili New York from Mexico,Louisiana, NC, NJ"
  • Next message: mary: "Butterflies land in Chili New York from Mexico,Louisiana, NC, NJ"

    Dear Friends,
            Our class Symbolic Butterflies from our Mexican friend who cared for them this winter. It was
            Here are the schools where our butterflies are from:
    Storer Elementary School, Muncie, IN
    Sewell School, Sewell, NJ
    Knowlton Twp. School, Delaware, NJ
    Dow's Prairie School, McKinleyville, CA
    Cedar Mill Elementary, Portland, OR
    J.F. Kennedy Montessori, Louisville, KY
    Washington School, Summit, NJ
    Winslow School, Winslow, ME
    We received tourist tagged butterflies from:
    Mustang Elementary, Mustang, OK
    Deerfield School, Westwood, MA
    Fulton Elementary, Lancaster, PA
    LPA Elementary 4E, Audubon, MN
    We also received a butterfly from Satillo, Coah, Mexico

    Please send us email so we can give you Paloma's address.

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