Monarch Butterfly

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From: Gayle Kloewer (
Date: Mon May 10 2004 - 22:11:19 EDT

  • Next message: Gayle Kloewer: "Butterflies arrive at York Middle School, York, Nebraska from: WY, NJ, MA, RI, Mexico, PA"

    We received butterflies that have spent the winter in Mexico with Enrique
    Mendoza Gonzalaz from Angangueo, Mexico. We want to thank Enrique for
    taking such good care of these butterflies so they could come back to us
    this spring!

    In this package we received butterflies from:

    2 from Plainwell Middle School, Plainwell, Michigan
    5 from No 81. Saltillo, Mexico
    Crestline Elementary, Hartselle, Alabama
    Vinton School, Mansfield, Connecticut
    Riverview School, Danville, New Jersey
    Jersey City, New Jersey
    Brunham School, Bridgwater, Connecticut
    Mrs. Visker's Class, Plymouth Middle School, Plymouth, Minnesota

    We are writing letters today to you and your butterflies will be in the mail
    in a day or two! We hope they arrive safe and sound!

    Mrs. Kloewer's 7th grade science class
    York Middle School
    York, Nebraska

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