Monarch Butterfly

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From: by way of Mary Hosier/Journey North (
Date: Tue May 11 2004 - 11:03:13 EDT

  • Next message: Christine martin: "Butterflies landed in Mill River MA from NB, WY, LA,NJ,VA,OH, MN, PA, CTRI, TN, CA, IA, NY, NE"

    Dear Friends,
    Our class received Symbolic Butterflies that were cared for this winter by a Mexican student named Rutilio Castro Garcia of Angangueo, Michoacan. They spent the winter in Mexico clustered with butterflies from14 different states and provinces.
    Here are the schools where the butterflies we received came from:
    Juda School in Juda, Wisconsin
    Livonia Primary School in Livonia, NY
    Cedar Mill Elementary in Portland, OR
    Eugene Field School in Hannibal, MO
    Red Mill Elementary, Rensselaer, NY
    J. F. Kennedy Montessori Elementary in Louisville, KY
    Myron L. Powell Elementary School in Cedarville, KY
    White Hall School in Williamstown, NJ
    Pawling Elementary School in Pawling, NY
    Bergen Community College Child Dev. Center in Paramus, NJ
    Killingly Central School in Dayville, CT
    Wild Birds Unlimited in Omaha, NE
    Gullett Elementary School in Austin, TX
    East Hills School in Fort Wayne, IN
    Mary Peake Center in Hampton, VA
    Shore Junior High in Mentor, OH
    Cedar Bluff Primary School in Knoxville, TN
    Rogers Elementary School in Waterloo, IL
    Rice Creek Elementary in Columbia, SC
    New Marlboro School in Mill River, MA
    Keigwin Middle School in Middletown, CT
    Lee Hall Elementary School in Newport News, VA
    Riverview School in Closter, NJ
    Northside Elementary in Elcampo, TX

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