Monarch Butterfly

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From: Patricia Emmett (
Date: Tue May 11 2004 - 16:48:01 EDT

  • Next message: Carol Hudson: "Butterflies landed in Madison, WI from MN,MI,NJ,OH,PA,GA,NY,TX,TN,WY,MO,IA,FL,CT,"

    Dear Friends,

    Our class received Symbolic Butterflies that were cared for this winter by a Mexican student named Caritina Blancas Garcia of Angangueo, Michoacan. We also had several tagged butterflies. Listed below are all of the schools whose butterflies we have. We will be sending you a letter and your butterfly.

    Please send us your e-mail so we can give you Caritinas address.



    Mrs. Emmetts Primary Two Class

    Georgetown, DE


    St. Stephen School Anoka, MN

    Esc Prim Federal Saltillo Coah, Mexico

    Cedar Mill Elementary (Mrs. Raegens Class) Portland, OR

    Chosen Valley High School Chatfield, MN

    St. Veronica School Dorval, Quebec

    Haledon Public School Haledon, NJ

    Prairie Lane Elementary (Ms. Rodda) Omaha, NE

    Adams Elementary Cary, NC

    Esc. Sec Tec No 81 Saltillo Coah, Mexico


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