Monarch Butterfly

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From: by way of Journey North (
Date: Thu May 13 2004 - 12:05:45 EDT

  • Next message: Carrington, Neil - KSD: "butterflies received from MN, PA, ND, CO, Maine, CA, OK, NJ, NH, Quebec, Mexico"

    We received many beautiful butterflies. They had green and orange tags on
    them. We will list them by tag color so you know where they might have
    wintered. We will be sending letters for every butterfly we received. We'd
    love to hear back from you as well. We still have not seen any of our
    butterflies posted anywhere. Maybe they are still in flight? It was fun
    sharing this adventure with you.

    Mrs. Kjolhede's class
    Beal City Public Schools
    (located NW of Mt.Pleasant, MI- near the "middle of the mitten")

    Orange tag
    David C. from Hayes Elementary School in Kennesaw, GA
    Aisha from Longfellow School in Minneapolis, MN

    Green tag
    Arturo in Saltillo, Coah.Mexico
    Patricia in Saltillo, Coah. Mexico
    Sanjuana in Saltillo, Coah. Mexico
    Felipe in (?)Ramos Arizpe, Coah. Mexico
    Luis in (?)Ampliacian, Manantiales, Mexico

    A bag of butterflies were tagged by Rosa in Angangueo,Michoacan, Mexico
    They included butterflies from:
    Rasheed from Mary Peake Center in Hampton, VA
    Jasmine from Carnage Middle School in Raleigh, NC
    David from Carnage Middle School in Raleigh, NC
    Kelly from Wicomico Day School in Salisbury, MD

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