Monarch Butterfly

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From: Rhonda P (
Date: Mon May 17 2004 - 13:16:51 EDT

  • Next message: Leishman, Martha: "Butterflies have landed in Ft. Calhoun, Nebraska"

    Hello Everyone,
          It was great to see the butterflies arrive safely back from Mexico. Our butterflies were received by Frascisco Javier Vasquez Martinez.
    We received butterflies from:
    Thomas E. Harrison Middle School, Mt. Laurel, NJ
    Public School #17, Jersey City, NJ
    Riker Hill School, Livingston, NJ (several butterflies)
    Burnet Hill School, Livingston, NJ (several butterflies)
    Hillside School, Livingston, NJ (several butterflies)
    Mt. Pleasant Elementary School, Livingston, NJ (several butterflies)
    Collins School, Livingston, NJ
    Harrison School, Livingston, NJ (several butterflies)
    Lake-Noxen Elementary School, Harveys Lake, PA
    Craigmont Middle School, Memphis, TN
    Foothills Elementary School, Maryville, TN
    Fort Craig School, Maryville, TN
    Saltillo, COAH, Mexico

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