Monarch Butterfly

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From: Annette Dockter (
Date: Tue May 18 2004 - 22:48:21 EDT

  • Next message: by way of Mary Hosier/Journey North: "Butterflies landed in Lockport, NS, Canada from, Mexico,MO,NJ,KS,PA,RI,FL,MN,NY,OH,TX,MD,IN,MO,ID"

    Dear Friends,
    Our class received Symbolic Butterflies that were cared for this winter by a Mexican student named Vidal Morcho of Angangueo, Michoacan. They spent the winter in Mexico clustered with butterflies from 14 different states.
    Here are the schools where the butterflies we received came from:
    Harrington Middle School Mt. Laurel, NJ
    Brevard Elm School Brevard, NC
    Meadowlark Elementary School Winston-Salem, NC
    Lincoln Center Mt. Clemens, MI
    Dondero School Portsmouth, NH
    Richard Maghakian Memorial School Brookline, NH
    Woodman Park School Dover, NH
    Seaton Elementary School Washington, DC
    Foster School Kingwood, TX
    Woodland Hills Elementary School Kingwood, TX
    Gladwyne School Gladwyne, PA
    Woodside Place Oakmount, Pa
    Magothy River Middle School Arnold, MD
    Bear Exploration Center Montgomery, AL
    Sells Middle School Dublin, OH
    Perry Middle School Worthington, OH
    Manchester Memorial School Manchester, MA
    Holland Hall School Tulsa, OK
    West Elementary School Crystal Lake, IL
    Send us e-mail if you would like to have Vidal's mailing address.
    St. Lawrence Catholic School in Indianapolis, IN

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