Monarch Butterfly

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From: by way of Mary Hosier/Journey North (
Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 10:46:22 EDT

  • Next message: Anne Powers: "Butterflies alight in Kingston, Canada from GA, CO, TN, MO,ND, MI, Il, Oh, MN,TX, NJ, Ontario, Saltillo"

    Dear Friends,

    In May our class received Symbolic Butterflies that were cared for by Mexican
    students this past winter. Everyone was excited to find we received butterflies
    from seven states as well as Mexico and Ontario, Canada.

    Here are the schools where the butterflies we received came from:

    E.G. Hewitt Intermediate School in Ringwood,New Jersey
    Bath Middle School in Lima, Ohio
    George Buck Elementary in Indianapolis, Indiana
    Pathfinders in Toronto, Ontario
    Welborne Avenue Public School in Kingston, Ontario
    Discovery School in Williamston, Minnesota
    R.R. Oehrli Elementary in Montague, Minnesota
    Sheridan School in Elgin, Illinois
    Woodland Hills Elementary in Kingwood, Texas
    Children's University in Arlington, Texas
    Lorenzo Elementary in Lorenzo, Texas
    DeMiguel Elementary in Flagstaff, Arizona
    ESC. Sec. Tec. No 81 in Saltillo, Coah., Mexico
    Angangueo,Michoacan, Mexico.

    We have our butterflies posted on a large map of the United States. All of the
    designs are beautiful and happy reminders of our experiences with the Monarchs
    in the fall.

    We wish everyone a very happy summer vacation and a special thank you to our
    schools who shared their butterflies.

    The Second Grade Class of Mrs. Sirocky
    Hatchery Hill Elementary School
    Hackettstown, New Jersey 07840

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