Monarch Butterfly

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From: by way of Mary Hosier/Journey North (
Date: Thu Jun 03 2004 - 21:54:53 EDT

  • Next message: Pat Filippini: "butterflies"

    Dear Friends,
          Our class received Symbolic Butterflies that were cared for this winter by a Mexican student named Tania Jeranimo Miranda of Angangueo, Michoacan, Mexico. They spent the winter in Mexico clustered with butterflies from 13 different states in the USA and one from Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico.

         Here are the schools where the butterflies we received came from:

         Manchester Memorial School in Manchester, Mass
         Horizon Elementary in Pewaukee, Wisconsin
         Dow's Prairie School in McKinleyville, CA
         Southside Estates Elementary in Jacksonville, FLA
         Northwood Elementary in Seminole, Oklahoma
         Booth Tarkington # 92 in Indianapolis, Indiana
         Stiles Point Elementary in Charleston, SC
         Westminster Elementary in Atlanta, GA
         Johnson County Middle School in Mountain City, Tennessee
         Central Catholic Elementary in DuBois, PA
         Orchard Park Elementary in Fort Mill, SC
         Shore Junior High School in Mentor, Ohio
         Hollyrood School in Portland, Oregon
         Escuela Prim. Federal in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico

         Please send us e-mail so we can give you Tania Jeranimo Miranda's mailing address. We know you will want to thank her.

         Newfield School in Stamford, Connecticut

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