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Challenge Question #3

Terry K. Smith (tksmith@tow.rnet.com)
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 14:47:40 -0600 (CST)

Monarchs this year, sent paper Monarchs to Mexico, and are awaiting the
return of the real Monarchs and the paper Monarchs. Here are our comments
on the Loggers vs Monarchs.
Mr. Terry Smith 2nd/3rd Grade Teacher
Ellington School Quincy, Illinois 62301
Email: tksmith@rnet.com
Classroom Homepage: http://wg.rnet.com/tksmith/smith.htm

Well I think who is responsible for this problem is the Government of
Mexico. Because they are incharge of paying the loggers! And the loggers
cut down the Oyamel Fir Trees. I think a way to help the poor in Mexico
is make some people move to Quincy and the Government give them all the
money they need to buy food for the poor. Then move back to Mexico and
give the food to the poor. Then the government will give everyone a job
but not a logging job so nobody will go poor. This is a very diffcult
problem because the loggers are cutting down the trees because they are
poor but they are killing the Monarcs.

Dear Journey North,
I think the mexican president should do more to save the monarchs but do
more to help the mexicans that are poor by possibly paying them more money
for them to bey some clothing, food and other stuff that they might need.
The loggers are a very big problem because they are cutting down trees
that the monarchs are on for the winter. I think the mexican president is
responsible to make shore that loggers are not getting into the place that
the monarchs are on the trees in the winter but letting them cut down
trees that are not in a restricted area.
From Warren
I think the goverment is responsible
for the monarchs. We have to concern
abut both. We want the monarchs.
But the people need things like food
and clothing. The people cound go up a
little farther past the the monarchs.
Then the people go ahead and cut the trees. It is a hard desion becase we
want the monarchs. The people need food and clothing.

I think the goverment is responsible for the monarchs. My idea for helping
is: The govermeant protects all the Oyamel fir trees and all the not
protected can be cut down. Then the govermeant gives all the poor people
$400 dollers. This is a difficult problem becuase if you say I'm going to
protect the butterflies the people won't have a job and then they won't
have any mony then they won't have any food. And if you say I'm going to
give people jobs to cut down trees then all the butterflies will die.:-(

Journey North
The president should protect the monarchs and only the places with
endangerd animals. The logers should cut-down the other trees, not
the Oyamel fir tree in the mounton where the monarchs go. And the
problem is only hard if you think it is hard.

Who think is responsible for protecting the monarchs?
I think the goverment is responsible for the monarchs.

What your ideas of helping?
I think some people shouuld help by
making homes for them like at their
houses, school, and their works

Why this is such a difficult prolbem?
I think this is such a difficult promblem because if you try to save the
monarchs the loggers won't have a job and if you let the loggers cut the
trees the monarchs won't have any homes.
Ryan K
#1 I think that the President could be responsible for the Monarchs in
Mexico because if the President told the people that worked for him to put
a fence around the Oyamel Fir Trees then no one could get to them except
the Monarch butterflies. Then the butterflies would be protected. #2
The people could tell the President that they were poor and maybe they
would get some free food so they won't be hungry. #3 This is a hard
problem because you don't know weather to take care of your Family or a
whole whole bunch of Monarch butterflies.
Amanda Mangold
Dear Journey North,
I think the answers to the challenge questions are: That the president of
Mexico is responsible for protecting the monarchs. I think a way to help
is: The people get their jobs of cutting down the trees, but every time
they cut down a tree, they have to plant a couple. And the reason I think
this problem is so difficult is: If the people cut the trees down, the
monarchs will die. And if they don't, the people will become poor.
Sincerely, Ryan Hanson
Dear Journey North,
I think the person responsible for the Monarchs is the president of
Mexico. I think the Goverment should make the trees that the Monarchs
stay on national and put tree seeds by poor people. I also think
that people should make more stores so people can work to get
money. I think it's difficult because the Goverment doesn't want
to spend money on butterflies when they have all these other
problems and butterflies are somthing that if we kill them we
are not going to get anything off of them.

Sincerely, Brianne Bokish

Dear Journey North,
I think the government should be responsible for keeping the butterflies
safe. Some of my ideas for keeping the butterflies safe and the people
safe are: The govenment should put more trees on national but still let
people cut down some trees. That way more Monarchs can live and more
people will have money. The government should tell the logging company to
plant different kinds of trees by their saw mill. I also think the
government should give the poor people some money. Another thing is the
govner should make the company pay the people more money and if they don't
the company should be shut down. The last thing is the government should
open more jobs! This is probably a difficult problem because when people
cut down trees more monarchs die and when they do not people can starve.
They would starve because they could have no money to buy food.

Dear Journey North,
I think the answers to your questions are: That the goverment is
responsible for protecting the monarchs.
My idea for helping is to plant more fir trees in the protected area so
they will fly to those trees when they come over. So when they cut down
the trees
that aren't protected they won't kill the manarchs.
It is a difficult problem because the people need jobs and since there are
no jobs for them they have no money for their family. So they cut down the
trees to get money. That kills the monachs and if they keep doing this for
20 years the monachs will vanish. That will make the life chain fall.
from, Raleigh
Dear Journy North
I think that the presedent and the govner are responsible for the
I think that governer should give out food to the the public and leave the
monarchs alone!!
At the same time get more jobs for the public.But the peaple shouldn 't
cut the trees down.This is a very hard problem because the govener can't
diside between the public and the monarchs
from margaret
Dear Journey North,
I thinkthat the government is responsible for the Monarch.
They should be protected!!!!The loggers should ether watch what trees they
cut down or loogging should be illegal because the loggers cut down trees
with out even making sure no animal is in the tree.They cut down Oyamel
trees with out even caring.I think the governmet should give his or her
people money then it would not be a problem and then the people would not
have to log!!!If the governmet dose not give the people money it would not
be a pretty site.There are so many ways to help!!!Some that even I could
not think of.I can not think of any other way but this one.The government
should help this big big big problem.

from Cheyenne

#1 Who do think is responsible for protecting the Monarchs?
#1 I think the governer should help the people, but still protect
the monarchs.
I also think the mayor should help protect the people, but stil
protect the Monarchs.
I also think the president should help people get jobs, but still
help protect the Monarchs.

#2 What are your ideas for helping?
#2 Maybe us, the governer, the moyor, or the president could send
them money.

#3 Why is this such a difficult problem?
#3 This is a difficult problem because if we help the Monarchs then
the people might die, but if we help the people the Monarchs will
become endangered.



Dear Journey North,
I think the government should protect the Monarchs. I think they need to
give lots of money to the people.
Some of the ideas I have for help are: I think they shouldn't cut
down cut down Oyamel fir trees until April cause that's when monarchs
leave. They need to get a new job.
This is such a difficult problem cause if the government tries to
save the butterflies,The people will lose their jobs. If you help the
people the butterflies will die.
The world is confusing.

1. I think the Government and the army is responsible for saving the
2. I think the Government and the army should build a fence around the
Oyamel trees and bild some bildings so people can get jobs.
3. Ithink the problem is difficult because you can't get money if you
don't cut down the trees and you care about the butterflys.

I think the president of the United States of America or the president of
Mexico should handle any problem with their country. I would contact the
president and say " The people that are poor should be able to cut down
the trees and feed their families or just get money and by close for the
If they don't have any food what so ever they will die and if they all die
the places were they buy their close would go out of bisness and then tey
would be poor and then they would die. So thats why you should let the
pore cut down the trees!!! Then other people from spain and clame that it
is their country. And thats why you should let the poor people cut down
the trees. This is a veary dificult problem because if someone loses their
job or dies can make the hole country fall apart.


Dear Journey North,

I think that the goverment of mexico should be responsible for protecting
the Monarchs. Also when the people cut down the trees they should cut down
a tree that the Monarchs aren't on or scare them off a tree so that can
cut down that one. Why the problem I think is hard is that it's hard to
keep the Monarchs and the people alive at the same time because the people
cut down the trees that the Monarchs live on so they die.

From Nick Smith

Dear Jurney North,

Here are some answers to your questions. I think that you should write
e-mail or letters to the mayor or the president. I think that the
government is resposible for protecting the monarchs in Mexico. It is a
such a big problem because the loggers are not concerned about going to
jail because as the logger said " I'm went to jail for one year for
illeagle logging but, I'm willing to do it again." If I was a logger I
would ask for more money and I wouldn't cut down trees where monachs rest.
If I was in the government I would give the people money to move.


Mitchell Fairley
Dear Journey North,

I think the people in mexico should do something about other people
cutting down
trees. Becouse they don't want them to do it so why shouldn't they do
something about it. My ideas for hleping are: puting a fince arond it.
This is why this such
a hard becouse if the loggers would not have aney money
from Kraig in 2nd grade

End of Monarch messages