
The Journey North Begins!

Crane #2's first day of migration north
Yellow sunburst indicates satellite hit for juvenile #2-15 on day 1 of her migration.
Google Earth

March 23, 2016

Juvenile #2-15 began heading north March 22 with four older Whoopers from St. Marks NWR leading the way! The departing group of older cranes included #5-12, 4-13, 4-14 and 7-14.

This Google Earth grab shows the location for #2-15 on March 22 over Henry County, Alabama—just over 100 miles from the St. Marks winter release enclosure in Florida.

The only other bird in the departing group also wearing a PTT is #7-14. Her PTT hits are reported on a different schedule than #2-15's, so we can’t know for certain if #2-15 is still traveling with the group until data from both birds can be compared.

Still at St. Marks are the other five juveniles from the Class of 2015. When will they leave? Will they go together, perhaps with an older crane to lead the way?

Compare with past departures and make a prediction: